Monique Lawz is doing amazing right now. Her new single ‘Worth It’ featuring Wiley is a vibe and her listening party for celebration was one of the last events I attended before Rona decided to throw her own.
From pushing this single to her constant Instagram lives with other musicians, Monique Lawz explains how she has been keeping busy during the lockdown.

“I’ve been writing a lot for other people, not much of my own stuff. I’m not really inspired to write for myself.” I asked what advice she would give to people and other musicians during this time and I suggest you grab a pen and paper and take notes.
“I would say in terms of keeping busy go for a walk, exercise do something different to your normal. I’ve been watching black lightning it kept my mind off it, watch a carton. To try and keep busy to be busy will stress you out, chill out.”

Chilling out is something I’ve been doing a lot of while listening to the latest music including Monique’s single ‘Worth It’ featuring Wiley. The video is set in Jamaica and makes me want to pack my bags regardless of what Rona has to say and live my best life. With the vibrant colours, dance routines and feel of the culture I had to ask whether Monique Lawz had complete creative control over the video.
“It was all me girl, there was an original filmed in London but I weren’t feeling it, so why don’t I go home show people my culture I wanted people to know what I’m about. I believe you should have creative control, you need to let the artist be the artists.”
I can only imagine what other music is coming as we touched on her working on an album/ep release which all her fans will be expecting soon.
“I’ve got a lot of music, I have a single with Wale, I’m thinking whether I should drop something now.” is that even a thought? New music is needed during this time especially since it’s ‘skin out season all the time’ – Monique
Not only has Monique been song writing she has also been keeping up her appearance during lockdown and showed off her new nail tech skills on the gram. The nails were pointed, a mixture of red and clear and covered in gems, a skill many of us girls are dying to take up. I may have to ‘unlimited exercise’ to hers.

“I want to do some care packages and have joined forces with a nail company to provide stick on nails with my designs which I’m excited for.”
We have many things to look forward to from Monique Lawz including her singles with some huge features and also her latest beauty creations.
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